Salman Rushdie Lost Eye After Stabbing

Salman Rushdie Lost Eye The Stannic Verses Stabbing on 12 August

Salman Rushdie Lost Eye in an attack in New York in August 2022

Salman Rushdie lost eye sight in one eye and the use of a hand following an attack on stage during a literary event in western New York in August, his agent said.

Andrew Wylie told the Spanish language newspaper El Pais in an article published on Saturday that Salman Rushdie lost eye, suffered a “brutal” attack that left him with “profound” wounds.

The attack occurred on August 13th during an event at the Jaipur Literature Festival in New York, where Rushdie was appearing as a guest speaker. Wylie said that the attacker, who has not been identified, stabbed Rushdie

Salman Rushdie lost eye vision in one eye. He has three significant injuries to his neck. The nerves in his arm were severed, leaving him the use of one hand. He also has another 15 or so wounds in his chest and torso, according to Wylie.

The representative informed the publication that he was unable to confirm Rushdie’s hospital status or provide any information regarding his whereabouts.

“He will survive… The crucial factor is that, according to Wylie.
Rushdie was attacked on August 12 as he prepared to deliver a lecture at Chautauqua Institution in New York state. Rushdie had already received multiple death threats following the release of his book The Satanic Verses.

According to his agent at the time, the novelist was taken to the hospital after the attack left him with serious wounds, including nerve damage in his arm, injuries to his liver, and the potential loss of an eye.

The incident occurred 33 years after Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini called on Muslims to execute Rushdie for the publication of The Satanic Verses in a fatwa, or religious edict.

Some Muslims considered the book’s references to the Prophet Muhammad to be disrespectful.

Rushdie, who was raised in India by a Muslim family from Kashmir, spent nine years underground after Khomeini’s fatwa while being guarded by the British police.

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